Feb. 21 Listening Session

Twin Cities Cohousing Network has big ideas for 2024. Please join us Wednesday, Feb. 21 on Zoom event for a special listening session. We want to hear to your feedback about ideas we are considering for 2024 and your suggestions for how to get cohousing communities built!

Twin Cities Cohousing Network has big ideas for 2024.

Wednesday, February 21
7:00 to 8:30 PM

Ethnic man wearing a yellow shirt is holding a paper cup to his ear. The cup has a string attached to the bottom of the cup. The string is taut and the man is listening very hard.

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The volunteers who organize and run Twin Cities Cohousing Network are seeking your input on how TCCN can best assist groups aspiring to build new cohousing communities. Here are two new ideas we are considering:

The first is expanding our scope from the Twin Cities to all of Minnesota. Get a peek at our proposed new name and let us know if you think this change is a good idea and how we should start connecting with others across the state.

Second, would small in-person discussion circles with friends, and friends of friends, be more likely to build energy for cohousing than large Zoom events? Learn about a proposed program that could take place among small groups of people located anywhere in Minnesota. Provide your feedback to help it succeed.

There will be small group discussions, and your questions and will be addressed. And please bring your ideas for future topics!”

Woman of color in a room with many books is listening to headphones while looking at computer screen.

Author: Lynn Englund

Twin Cities Cohousing Network director. Retired University of Minnesota instructor.