Nov 15 – Cohousing: from dreams to reality…a Madison, WI experience

Sometimes core groups form, but then disband. What distinguishes the groups that make cohousing happen? Here’s one example of a group that is now all moved in. How did they do it? Hear their stories, and bring your questions.

Details and registration.

Let’s give a warm Minnesota welcome to our three guests from Arboretum Cohousing in Madison who will be driving up to talk with all of us on Thurs., Nov. 15, 2018.

Guest panelists:
Janet Murphy, Janet Kelly, and Karen Ecklund
all from  Arboretum Cohousing in Madison, WI

Thurs., Nov. 15, 2018 at 7:00 pm. Register now.

This is the last in the 2018 series of Twin Cities Cohousing Network’s quarterly presentations. (There is an optional potluck  reception at 5:30 pm–if attending the potluck supper, please bring a dish to share.)

Program registration starts at 6:30 pm
Program begins at 7:00 pm
Cost for the program: $8.00

Register here .

Program location:

Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church
420 Cedar Lake Rd

Sign up for the TCCN e-newsletter, and learn of future events. Or, reach us via email at twincities [at] cohousing [dot] org.