Finances and funnies

Wed. Sept. 16, 2020

A window on cohousing sharing and caring, with a bit of pandemic humor

Learn how cohousing communities are being affected by COVID-19 and how they are responding to meet new social and financial challenges. Humor is included in the presentation, including a series of one-liners written and delivered by a participant.

Register now to obtain your personal Zoom link in order to view this special presentation by Cohousing U.S. Communications Director Karen Gimnig and Executive Director Karin Hoskin. Discussion among registered Zoom participants will follow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
7:00-8:00 PM
Free, but registration is required by 6 PM on September 14 to receive your personal Zoom link.  

Artist's image of happy and expressive people standing on their balconies making music, singing, dancing, and enjoying themselves while social distancing.
Inspired by the balconies around the world and the spirit of humanity while social distancing. Image created by Shua Baber. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives – help stop the spread of COVID-19. Accessed at

Personal Growth: Maybe the Most Important Reason for Cohousing (Aug. 5)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020
7:00 – 8:30 PM.
Free, but advance registration is required.
Please register by 6 p.m. on August 4th to receive your link to Zoom. 

We hope you will gather with us from the safety of your home to learn why personal growth may be the most important reason to choose cohousing. Participants will view a pre-recorded “Webchat” by Karen Gimnig. After the presentation, which has been edited for length, there will be time for Q&A among participants and Twin Cities Cohousing Network board members.

Photo of Karen Ginming.
Karen Gimning

Karen Gimnig is a resident of East Lake Commons cohousing community near Atlanta, Georgia, and is the communications director at Cohousing USA.

We look forward to connecting!

Register here. You will receive a link to the Zoom presentation and directions for how to access the meeting.