Getting It Built workshop offered by Chuck Durrett, et. al.

When and how does a core group start figuring out the location of their future community?

A fast-track local group is forming to bring experienced cohousing architect Chuck Durrett and his associates to the Twin Cities for an intensive weekend-long “Getting It Built” workshop.

Anyone who is interested in being involved in creating a cohousing community sooner rather than later is encouraged to express interest by emailing the address below. Details will be provided to you. The goal of the workshop: to vet and explore the possibilities of a particular site for a cohousing community. Tentative dates for the workshop are Mar. 4-5, 2017.

If you are interested, you MUST email John Kalmon to get all the details and receive updates. Include your name, phone number and comments/questions.

The information you provide to John will only be shared with Durrett, The Cohousing Company associates, and the other individuals who sign up.

Please share this information with others who might be interested in the workshop.

Potluck next step after the Durrett talk

by John Kalmon

We had a great turnout for the presentation on cohousing by Charles Durrett, who took us through a verbal tour of many cohousing communities, accompanied by great photos and punctuated with stories that were engaging and enlightening. He described how cohousing improves peoples’ lives by bringing a new level of social connection into their day-to-day activities.

As an example, Durrett recalled an elderly woman who moved from the home closest to the parking area to the furthest away because it improved her relationship with her neighbors, which she described as more important than her relationship with her car.

The idea of resource sharing was explained—not only lawn mowers and common-house amenities, but more importantly the opportunity to share one’s time, knowledge or emotional support. All this can and does happen easily because of the arrangement and design of the structures, and because the people who have chosen to live in cohousing recognize that their social well-being and connections are among their highest priorities.


Durrett spoke of “social tax” as well, the work a community needs to put in to assure long-term success. This needs to be addressed early in the formation of a core group by establishing their goals and values, and learning how to make decisions as a group, often by some form of consensus. Stories of specific challenges faced by groups and how they overcame them were very informative.

The audience asked good questions. Stimulating conversation continued among attendees long after the presentation, and many pitched in without hesitation to stack the chairs!

To learn more about what is happening locally in cohousing, please continue to check our website and sign up to receive TCCN News, our e-newsletter, which will bring you all the latest news and events. We hope to see you at our next event on October 20th.

Architect Durrett draws 130 people interested in cohousing

With a stormy night predicted, TCCN volunteers worried that the severe weather might keep away some of the 70+ people who had pre-registered for the Charles Durrett event. The concerns were unfounded. Almost double that number showed up!



Two books that Durrett has written were available at the event and sold quickly: Creating Cohousing as well as Senior Cohousing. Local bookstores where these can be found are: Magers & Quinn, Present Moment, the University of Minnesota Bookstore, and Common Good Books. Please patronize your local independent bookstore.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and we look forward to seeing you at upcoming events.

TCCN is grateful for the support of the Social Justice Committee of the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis for co-sponsoring and helping us to publicize this opportunity.

Baby Boomers and GenXers drawn to new planned neighborhoods

Rather than passively concede to limited and isolating housing options designed by large dispassionate organizations, increasing numbers of Baby Boomers and GenXers are banding together to take matters into their own hands. Sept. 15, 2016 event

“On a cold winter day, I get home when it’s dark and it’s cold…and the lights are on in the common house, I can run in there, put my five dollars down, and have a wonderful meal with my neighbors.”–cohousing resident

Charles (Chuck) Durrett, of McCamant & Durrett Architects, will be in Minneapolis on Thursday, September 15, 2016 to highlight the increased interest in cohousing, explain what cohousing is and isn’t, and outline how to get started forming a community. Representatives of several Twin Cities groups that are in the very beginning stages of formation will be at the event, as will someone from Monterey Cohousing Community in St Louis Park.

Register today.

Pedestrian pathways create a comfortable environment in many cohousing communities.