Join us!
Individuals, couples and families interested in further exploring cohousing in the greater Twin Cities (MN) area are invited to a potluck dinner and program designed to get to know one another, and to deepen the conversation about community and how we might envision the cohousing place where we’d each feel comfortable and happy. Register here.
Core Groups
At least one person from each of the core groups will be there so that you will have an opportunity to talk with them.
TCCN has rented the fellowship hall at St Frances Cabrini Church in the Southeast neighborhood of Minneapolis. Please bring an item for the potluck, along with an ingredient list. Admission to this followup event will be by donation at the door to cover hall rental, photocopying, and other expenses. Suggested: $5 TCCN members; $10 non-members.
If you know you plan to attend, please RSVP so we can have some idea of how many to expect, but don’t let that stop you if you decide at the last minute to show up. See you there!
St Frances Cabrini Church, 1500 Franklin Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414